Viper San Diego
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Viper products have become the go-to brand for numerous high-tech keyless entry, and one-touch start ignition features. Viper San Diego has authorized dealers all over the country including, Joe’s Stereo, who proudly installs viper car systems. Joe’s carries some of the most popular Viper car accessories including:
Viper Car Alarms
The Viper car alarm systems come equipped as one-way or two-way units. One system has a keychain entry device complete with an LCD screen. Systems can be basic, be equipped with special features, or can be customized according to the customer’s needs.
Remote Start
Remote Start systems can come in a variety of packages. The basic system for a Remote Start features two keychain devices for convenient and easy access to your car. More specialized systems have more features including, LCD screens, 2-way entry, a wider range in which to use the Remote Start, and a TempCheck to check on the vehicle’s temperature.
SmartStart Systems
A SmartStart system allows customers to start their vehicles directly from their Smartphone. The system can also lock and unlock the vehicles, arm or disengage the security system, open the trunk, and activate the panic feature. SmartStart cuts down on the number of items a customer needs to carry a keychain by conveniently, including everything traditionally held on a keychain for your car.
Please view our recent car alarm installation jobs with Viper below, and don’t hesitate to contact Joe’s Stereo to schedule an installation appointment for your car.